Reiki 靈氣療癒 臼井氏靈氣是一種源自於日本「手当治療」(Hands On Healing)的徒手治療方式。是1922年由日本的臼井甕男(Usui Mikao)先生在鞍馬山上感悟而創立,因緣際會下流傳到西方國家並流傳至今。
靈氣由於其方便與治療見速的特性,世界各地學習靈氣治療的人數不斷增加。 每個人的靈氣體驗都會有些許差異,但是最大的體驗應該是一種深層的放鬆。有些人會感覺到一些暖流在身體中流動。有少數人短時間內可能感到眩暈、嗜睡,但這是能量調節的正常反應。
靈氣能夠從身體,情緒和靈性三方面使被治療者獲得調整。主要表現在緩解疼痛,舒緩情緒,完善自我以期達到特定目的。在西方又被用作癌症等重大疾病的輔助治療手段。 靈氣可以被作為傳統醫療輔助治療手段。當我們具有生理或心理問題時候,建議及時就醫,並且在治療過程中,積極接受靈氣療愈。
在執行過程中,靈氣導師會觸碰到學員的頭部,肩膀以及手,並配合使用不同的呼吸和能量方法。將學員能量調整至能夠與靈氣能量共鳴的頻率。 靈氣傳授的儀式過程中,有些學員會感覺手心發熱,眼前會浮現顏色或具體畫面。但是不同的人不盡相同,大多數僅僅是感覺到人更加放鬆了。
除此之外,靈氣使用的一個特點就是治癒他人時,雙方都可受益。 “靈氣”是一種自然的能量,是一種利用自然能量供應人類所欠缺的能量,加速自愈能力的方法。一般情況,人體所損耗的能量,可以從運動、飲食和大自然等途徑獲得補充,倘若補充過程長期出現問題,能量耗用過多,便會引致身體、精神和心靈均產生不適,使人產生慢性疾病或亞健康狀態。
從量子物理學的角度來說,天地萬物都是由能量的共振所組成,在靈氣的療愈過程中,細胞會吸收自然生命的能量來補充身體的能量,同時也會釋放身體沉重的負能量,在這種接收和釋放的過程中,呈現出生命能量的流動、平衡與和諧。 靈氣療法是一種自然、簡單但卻受用終生療愈技巧。在西方國家,靈氣療法早於三十多年前就已流傳。而美國一些醫院及著名學府也將靈氣課程納入醫護人員持續進修的課程之一,許多國家的保險制度中有支付靈氣治療的選項。
醫學越來越重視靈氣對免疫系統及身心健康所起的療愈作用。 靈氣是一種安全,具保護力,自然及和諧的自然能量。西方一些醫護人士用靈氣療法去幫助癌症及嚴重疾病的病人,因為它能增強病人的心志及免疫系統,能有效預防病氣入侵,與傳統醫療產生相輔相成的效果。
注: 此靈氣介紹摘自「靈氣研習中心」官方網站
個人個案回饋 :
The word "Reiki" means "mysterious atmosphere, miraculous sign." It comes from the Japanese words "rei" (universal) and "ki" (life energy). Reiki is a type of energy healing. Energy can stagnate in the body where there has been physical injury or possibly emotional pain. In time, these energy blocks can cause illness.
Reiki aims to help the flow of energy and remove blocks in a similar way to acupuncture or acupressure. Improving the flow of energy around the body, it can enable relaxation, reduce pain, speed healing, and reduce other symptoms of illness.
Reiki has been around for thousands of years. Its current form was first developed in 1922 by a Japanese Buddhist called Mikao Usui, who reportedly taught 2,000 people the Reiki method during his lifetime. The practice spread to the U.S. through Hawaii in the 1940s, and then to Europe in the 1980s. It is commonly referred to as palm healing or hands-on healing. And can also be done as distance healing.
Healing effects are mediated by channeling the universal energy known as qi, pronounced "chi." In India, this is known as "prana." This is the same energy involved in tai chi exercise. It is the life force energy that some believe surrounds all of us.
Reiki is alleged to aid relaxation, assist in the body's natural healing processes, and develop emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. It is also said to induce deep relaxation, help people cope with difficulties, relieve emotional stress, and improve overall wellbeing. People who receive Reiki describe it as "intensely relaxing."
Conditions that Reiki has been used to help treat include:
heart disease
chronic pain
neurodegenerative disorders
Crohn's disease
fatigue syndromes
(The introduction of Reiki above is taken from
Some reviews from my clients:
“During the process, I could feel and see (with my third eye) a very intense large amount of bright light energy coming into my whole body and I instantly felt very relaxed. I could feel the energy flow in my body especially in my hands and feet.”
“Even though I knew that you were placing your hands on my shoulder, I could still sense that there’s another hand on top of my belly, it’s very big and powerful.”
“I could feel as if someone was holding my left foot, treating my twisted ankle, and at the same time it’s almost like somebody was giving me a head massage, it’s very comforting and relaxing. I no longer feel stressful after the treatment.”
“I’ve been having a hard time falling asleep, but during Naomi’s Reiki session I could feel that my mind is at ease and my body is relaxed, gradually I fell asleep. It was very comfortable.”